Reading at the Crossroads

Reading at the Crossroads is an archive for columns and letters which appeared in the Terre Haute Tribune Star. I also blog here when my patience is exhausted by what I feel is irritating, irrational and/or ironic in life. --gary daily

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Location: Terre Haute, Indiana, United States

The material I post on this blog represents my views and mine alone. The material you post on this blog represents your views and yours alone.

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Where's Lowry and his peculiar "concepts"? And where's ISU?

Pleased to see my letter on ISU’s cancellation of the Rich Lowry appearance in the Trib Star today. Not pleased (as far as I have read or heard) that the ISU administration has failed to offer a full explanation for this action. I guess they are counting on the public to just let it pass, to forget it. After all, it’s not like the school cancelled an important baseball game.

Anyone paying the slightest bit of attention would agree that Rich Lowry clumsily champions a man who is a serious danger to our republic, presidential candidate Donald Trump. But cancelling Lowry’s Indiana State University appearance is not the answer to the problem we face as voters and as a nation.

Given our two-party system, given our responsibilities as voters, and given the significance we pay to the idea of hearing all sides on political issues, ISU’s action has put itself in a no-win position.

The shallow and power-corrupted Republican Party has nominated Trump. The shallow and corrupt National Review editor Rich Lowry is the megaphone for this failure of a man. Trump has never been a public servant to the people. He has, in and out of office, served only himself.

If ISU is to be a force supporting and advocating the search for truth, upholding the value and weight of hard evidence over emotional and abusive demagoguery, what option do they have other than allowing free and open discussion that is subject to fact-based refutation?

ISU has seriously failed in how they handled the Lowry affair. They owe us all a full explanation for their misguided action. And unless this explanation contains a totally compelling justification for the cancellation, ISU has the responsibility to get Lowry back here.

It is up to the Vigo community, to ISU students and faculty, all of us, to study up, confront, and turn a Lowry presentation into an effective challenge to the Trump lies he parrots and the racist innuendo he spouts. We all need to stand up, point out, and underline the significant truths about Trump’s sorry record as a human being, as a deeply-flawed political leader, and as a convicted felon. Lowry will not do this important work. We must.

— Gary Daily



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